The GameChanger app for coaches and parents is your source for Scheduling information for Mansfield Youth Baseball.
Mansfield's 12-year-old squad are Little League District Champions! They prevailed over Taunton East in a well-played 3-2 thriller. Thanks to all who came down to Otis to support the team. Congratulations to the players and coaches. On to Sectionals!
Our spring registration close is rapidly approaching with only 64 hours left in our deadline. If you haven’t signed up, now is the time. Register here:
The Mansfield Youth Baseball Online Apparel Store is Now Open! Please make your orders before the online store closes on Sunday, April 16th!.
Otis Street - Field 2
Otis Street - Field 1
Otis Street - Field 3
Otis Street - Field 5
Otis Street
Plainville Athletic League Complex
267 Otis Street Mansfield, Massachusetts 02048
Email: [email protected]